Tuesday, August 25, 2009

When I started this Blog, I had so much to say. My mind was like a "reservoir" and I wanted to share thoughts with the world, and my readers....the few that I have (ha)! But, instead of writing about my thoughts or what's been happening in my life, I've been living my life and too busy to share. I hope I haven't kept anyone in suspense too long, but here's a bit of what I've been up to, followed by some ways in which I saw God's involvement in recent months....

1. I changed jobs/careers.
2. I have traveled around the east coast of the state of Florida from Jacksonville to Melbourne to Orlando, and back around a few times. I've also had 1 of 2 trips this summer to Virginia Beach to visit family.
3. I've made three new canine friends who are now part of my extended family.
4. I finally made the necessary financial decisions regarding some investments I took away from my former employer.
5. I learned the meaning of "true friendship" - again - and that friendship can be found in some of the least expected places and with some of the least expected people...and pets.
6. I saw my nephew off to his first day of kindergarten.
7. I saw my niece turn 1 years old.
8. I learned that I will never be able to control how people interpret what I say or do, or how people perceive me, despite my extreme efforts to project my positivity and caring nature. No matter how nice you are or how much you try, you can't make someone be something they aren't or cure something they have within themselves. Only God can save them.
9. I have a renewed heart and outlook on "love." (whatever that means?!?!)
10. I learned the importance of weekends - they are the mini-vacation we sometimes need at the end of the week.

God is always at work in our lives, and I started noticing that several years ago but didn't put it into practice until this year. With the changes I faced, I put my faith in God and he proved himself to me. He always knows what he's doing, even if we don't know what we're doing or where we're going. When I changed jobs, I prayed that God would open the right doors at the right times to show me where I needed to be. He surprised me and blessed me in a matter of days. Yes - he still moves those mountains! God kept me safe through all of my travels, and brought me the most unexpected blessings in the form of making new friends through celebrating a family event and showing me how much time can change someoone. He showed me that pet sitting isn't just about making some extra money on the side - it's about friendship, character and companionship for me and for those I care for. God showed me that although it's not healthy to focus on money or greed, it is healthy to plan for our futures and retirements by making important financial decisions, no matter the sacrifices they require, and to be careful whom we trust to assist us with those decisions. I've always thought it was important to have friends, and God tested me a few times this year. But, most recently, he showed me that some doors are never fully closed and that it's okay to rethink the meaning of friendship, and it's okay to admit that you may have been wrong about someone....whether for better or for worse. It's hardest when you were wrong for the worse, but that is how God shows you that HE is still there even when someone else isn't. In the ongoing family situations I've dealt with over the last seven years, I've finally seen a "light at the end of the tunnel" this year through my nephew and my niece....a light that I thought had been turned out and may never work again. Like I said...God always knows what he's doing! God is still teaching me lessons in learning why people act the way they do, and how some people may never have the manners or the cooth that others do, but that we should try to accept them and respect them despite that. God continues to challenge me daily with this, and I continue to pray for the patience and strength I need to keep learning. I thank God every Friday for weekends and time to relax....especially the upcoming two weekends which will be spent on a secluded beach with a book!

Thank you for reading, whomever you may be, and I hope that you take this opportunity to think about the recent events in your life and how God was at work in those events. Take opportunities to thank him.....after all, he deserves it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


28 years ago...
I'd just been adopted from St. Lucy, Florida by two amazing and loving parents.

28 months ago...
I was working as a loan coordinator at my old company dreaming of finding a new position, working on my finances and making new friends.

28 days ago...
I was ready to start my new job for a new company here in Jacksonville, Florida and ready to turn 28!

28 minutes ago...
I was eating lunch!

28 seconds ago...
I logged into Blogger!

28 years from now...
I'll be 56 years old. I'll have a tatoo and, if I'm lucky, I'll be retired to the island I purchased in the Caribbean or Virgin Islands.

28 months from now...
I'll be 30 years old. I'll probably be working for the same company, maybe even the same position or something even more fabulous than my current position. I'll probably be shopping for a new car...my baby is getting up there!

28 days from now...
It'll be August and almost the end of summer and almost time for my cousin's fabulous beach wedding in Virginia! I love summer.

28 minutes from now...
It'll be 28 minutes closer until time to leave the office, have dinner with my dad and see my sister before I jet off to Virginia to spend the weekend with my cousin and other family.

28 seconds from now...
I'll be completing this Blog entry and logging out!

How's that for a timeline?

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Change: A transformation or modification.

That's the dictionary's definition. Here's mine...

Change: When something or someone is different than before. Another mountain to climb, ocean to cross or obstacle to overcome.

Where am I going with this? Well, the year 2009 has been a year of "changes" for me. It started with a change in priorities. My priorities prior to 2009 were related to keeping up with my two jobs and my finances, with some effort put into friendships but a focus still on my career goals. But, when 2009 rolled in - God had other priorities in mind. He reminded me that people, not finances, were why I was here. I was here to give to others and to receive God's blessings through others. He used a number of "obstacles" or "changes" to show me this. He showed me how I could be a friend to someone who needed my prayers and my love - her dad was battling lung cancer. He showed me how I could move on from a friendship which no longer thrived and did not serve the new me - the me who had priorities other than boyfriends and wedding rings like they did. He showed me that I was needed for who I was and not what I could do at work.
As if these changes weren't enough....God had more in store.

It has been my experience, as a believer, that God does not speak to me the way people on Earth do. With "Hey, Rachel, I think you should change your career." or "Hey, Rachel, you need to change your friends and realize that your true friends are back in Florida." Instead, he uses mountains, oceans and obstacles. Analogies, of course, for the real deal. After we've climbed the mountain, crossed the ocean and overcome the obstacle - we look back and say "Oh, wow. This is the beautiful valley you wanted me to see, the new land you wanted me to discover and the feeling of success you wanted me to feel." Much stronger than any words a person on Earth could ever tell me. This year, my mountains, oceans and obstacles involved deciding to end long-term friendships upon realizing how much that friends had "changed" and we were SO different, watching a best friend endure one of the biggest loses a person ever has to endure - the loss of a parent, and realizing that a job wasn't all it could have been and wasn't all that important anyways. At the end of this, I came away seeing that God wanted me to change my priorities and my outlook in life. So - that's what I did.

The old me would have never thought the friendship would end, and if it did not in the way or for the reason it did. The new me saw that "true friendship" was something other than what I was experiencing and with God in my life, I didn't need to be kicked to the curb a few times and try crawling back for acceptance to be loved. The old me would have cried and then run away from the friend who needed me during her time of loss. The new me saw that this was an opportunity to use the strength that only he gave me to wipe away tears and give unlimited hugs. Of course I still cried my own tears and had my moments of weakness, but still gave her all God gave me to give. The old me would have been devastated when the career she thought she'd started with a company came to a hault at the realization that there was more out there for her than what was there, and that God would force her out to show her the other side. The new me took it in stride and said "Well, God, I know you have something wonderful blossoming here. I'm going to hold onto you and trust you through this." I did - and it worked. The valley is beautiful, the new land I've discovered is like North America for Christopher Columbus and the feeling of success is mine - thanks to God.

Whatever "change" you are going through - the mountain you're climbing, ocean you're crossing and obstacle you're overcoming - keep at it. With God's help, you too will discover the valley, the new land and the feeling of success.

I'll continue to update the blog with news. Coming soon - my change in career.

I end with a verse.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, April 17, 2009


But I just announced spring a few entries ago!!! I'm ready for summer....a new season and new beginnings!

So much has been changing, but I cannot announce all of it yet. I will tell you, though, that God has been hard at work in my career and in my heart. I have grown closer to family, friends and neighbors....especially the friends who are my neighbors, ha! My career is about to change paths (again) and I'm eager to start the next path.

In the mean time, here is a fun photo of me, with my sister Mary, at the Jacksonville Zoo. We are hanging with a manatee!

Thanks for following the blog - I'll be back soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've been absent...I know. Some recent computer cliches and lack of time have prevented me from providing you with an update. At the moment, I'm at a loss of "philosophies" and "words of wisdom." Rest assured...I will be back with them soon.

In the mean time, here are a few things I've been up to...

Legally Blonde, The Musical - If you're a woman and you liked the movie...you'll LOVE this musical. I went to Orlando with my fabulous friend Sheila and two of her good friends from Orlando.

Spring is here - I've really been enjoying the weather change and seeing everything in bloom. Another reason why I LOVE Florida!

That's all for now. I look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Jacksonville, Florida - this is home. For 18+ years of my life, I have lived in Jacksonville, Florida. Jacksonville is in Northeast Florida, almost to the Georgia border on the Atlantic Ocean coast.

I haven't always been able to say that I "loved" this city, but recently I've realized that not only do I love Jacksonville, but I love Florida! My career may take me outside of Florida, but I know that I'll retire back to Florida if that ever happens.

A couple of my friends and I said that we would be like "The Golden Girls" and move back to Florida when we retire, and may even be roommates. I know that one day I'll upgrade to a larger home, but I hope to keep the current home as a place to retire to later in life. You can't beat it, really.

Even better than my home is my desk downtown. Here are a couple of pictures I took which show the view from my desk.

This is the St. John's River. The blue bridge is the Main Street Bridge and I also have a relative in the tall building on the far right!

This is the view from my left side window
I totally sound too thrilled to live where I do, don't I? Well, lately, I've been realizing some of the little things I'd missed...and a few things I didn't appreciate as much as I should have. That has all changed, and one of the underappreciated things was how blessed I am to live here in Jacksonville.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.
But, if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.
Lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long 'til I'm gonna need somebody
to lean on.
Please swallow your pride, if I have things you need to borrow.
For no one can fill those neds that you won't let show.
You just call on me, sister when you need a hand.
We all need somebody to lean on.
Lean on me when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long 'til I'm gonna need somebody to lean on.
You just call on me sister if you need a friend.
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problem that you'll understand.
We all need somebody to lean on.
If there is a load you have to bear that you can't carry, I'm right up the road.
I'll share your load if you just call me.
Call me (if you need a friend)
Call me, Call me, Call me
"Lean On Me" by Bill Withers
If it seems that I am obsessed with friendship lately, it's because I am! As always, God taught me a lesson in a most unusual way. I have not been able to get the most recent lesson off my mind ever since it happened about 10 days ago. So, bear with me as I unleash the sensitive side of myself in mentioning how dear my true friends are to me, and how much I appreciate them being there for me last week and everyday before that.

I'd love to list each by name on the blog, but for privacy reasons I will not. They all know who they are, and know they can LEAN ON ME any time.


Monday, March 2, 2009

March - The Beginning of Spring

March is here! It is officially (well, almost) the beginning of Spring! March and April are the months when I start my excursions to the beach and pool to soak up the sun, hangout with friends in the outdoors and get to read those books I love so much!

This change in season will be especially memorable to me because of the way my winter ended this year. Just two days ago, I joined my best friend Scarlett, her family and friends, my parents and a few other wonderful friends of mine to say goodbye to Scarlett's father, Johnny Williams. Although it was a sad occasion, it was joyous just the same. To watch this family actually celebrate a life with a "Wang Dang Doodle" party - some Southern home cooking and a Blue Grass Band were on-hand to celebrate this man's life. In addition to this event, I went through a momentary personal crisis at the end of Winter which made me realize how much I love my friends in Jacksonville and my family, who also reside in Jacksonville.

Sometimes God takes us through the Valley before we can climb the Mountain again. I'll be back on the mountain soon, but I know there'll be more "Valley" moments. Within each of these "Valley" moments, God will have a lesson to teach me.

This year's lessons, so far, are 1) Take joy in the changing of the seasons....winter will always be cold, but spring and summer will always come back around 2) Enjoy those you're close to, and tell them you enjoy them and are thankful to them each time you speak to them 3) Appreciate what you have now, because tomorrow it may be gone 4) Always be a friend. Even when those around you fail to see how much you care for them or appreciate them, continue to be a friend and someone they can count on when they see the light again 5) Never give up

This is me with Franca and Scarlett - two life long friends whom I know will always be there for me, and for whom I will always be! This picture was taken at the "Wang Dang Doodle" on Saturday.
I love you girls, and I realize that now more than ever!
Photo by: Darice Michelle

Monday, February 23, 2009

From the Heart...

It has taken me all day to get to the point where I could write this. I'm sure I'll reach the point of tears, yet again, before I'm done.

Over the past 8 months, I have watched a family of friends endure the journey of terminal lung cancer. This journey came to an end on Saturday, February 21, 2009, with the passing of Johnny Ray Williams. Johnny is the father of one of my best friends, Scarlett.

There are few words that can describe what it's like to lose a father, friend, and husband. Instead of bombarding this family with words, I've covered them with love, hugs, hand holding and prayer. I've been crying off and on for the past thirty or so hours, for reasons other than this loss, but mostly because of this loss. Scarlett is not the first friend I've seen go through the loss of a parent, she won't be the last, and I know that one day I'll be in her shoes. The thought saddens me, but the reality reminds me of God's plan for each of us...that we each have a purpose on this Earth and that we will one day be in Heaven with Him.

In a blog post in July of 2008, Rene (Johnny's wife and Scarlett's mother) mentions a story in which Johnny said that if something happened to him, he'd come back to her and Scarlett as a butterfly. I've remembered that story, and I know that for as long as I live I will think of this dear man and his family every time I see a butterfly. What a unique and beautiful creature to have as a reminder of a loved one.

Last summer, I traveled to Orlando in time to see the flower festival at Epcot. It was there that I photographed this butterly on a flower.

"Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not to your own understanding."

Proverbs 3:5

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of my true friends for being there for me, now and since the day we became friends. I cherish my true friends and it is in knowing, in word and in deed, that they are there for me I have purpose on this Earth. I'll always be there for you, too.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank my family for their love and support of me over the years, and especially now. As time has gone by, I've realized more and more how dear you are to me, especially you - Mary.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Confessions of a Recovering Shopaholic

My name is Rachel and I am a recovering Shopaholic.

Ever heard of "Confessions of a Shopaholic" by Sophie Kinsella? A book (and now a movie) about Rebecca Bloomwood, a young career woman who gives in to purchasing anything she wants - shoes, clothes, bags, accessories....and finds herself in major debt because of it.

When I read the first book in the four book series, I laughed out loud at how funny she was with her multiple purchases in spite of the unpaid credit card bills and debt collector who was continually sending her letters, reminding her that despite her excuse of illness, family death or European trips that she STILL owed the money outstanding on her credit card. The truth is, and perhaps the reason why I stopped reading the series, although well written and hilarious, that Rebecca (Becky) Bloomwood was ME! Five years ago, four years ago, three years ago, two years ago, one year ago, four months ago, I was.....a Shopaholic.

I was the woman who gave in to the urge to buy clothes, bags, shoes, accessories, make-up, books, junk.....despite the lack of money for such purchases. Although I had a decent income for someone my age and the sky was the limit on the things I could use my money for...saving, buying a house, charity...anything else...I always gave in to the things that I liked when it came to fashion.
I wasn't one of those people who shopped to "feel better" or "get over a break-up." No, I shopped out of boredom, because I happened to be at the mall for something I actually NEEDED and saw a "Sale" sign, because I needed one thing and happened to find three others that were pretty and because I happened to like the dress, shoe, necklance, bag and belt that I may one day wear to a party, to work, on that road trip, to that football game, to the Gala or to dinner.

Like anything else, compulsive shopping can turn into an addiction...something that you just can't do without and would sacrifice anything to have. In my case, I subconsciously sacrificed my future income to buy the things I needed NOW and would pay for LATER. Well, my friend, LATER is NOW and NOW I'm realizing the sacrifices I made then. And, on January 1, 2009, I very easily gave away items which represented the sacrifice....clothes. About 50% of what was in my closet, to be exact.

One of my best friends, Jennifer, not only encouraged me but physically assisted me in carrying out my plan to clean my closet. I had intended on doing my "closet clean-up" for months, but had never gotten around to it. It wasn't because I didn't have time or was just being lazy. It was because I felt it was IMPOSSIBLE to do. How was I going to give away all those things I'd spent time and money on purchasing? Tops I'd never worn...with the tags still on...blouses I knew I'd never wear again....the collared one my mom gave me years ago....clothes with memories of old boyfriends.... and, of course, the clothes I'd outgrown. With Jennifer's help, we accomplished making four large garbage bags full of clothes to give to Goodwill. It was two days later that I took the four bags to Goodwill. I didn't go through them after Jennifer left "just to make sure there wasn't one thing I wanted to keep" and didn't cry or turn back, thinking maybe I just wasn't ready...no, with a smile on my face and a feeling of absolute confidence that I handed these bags to the Goodwill worker and went on about my day.

I still feel joy when I walk into my closet (I can now actually WALK into it without walking ON things to get to the clothes), I feel joy that I can find things, and that I'm SAVING money today.

With a strong will, a great friend and God's help in transitioning my materialism into goodwill for myself and others, I was able to make it happen. I gave away the old to make room for the new, that is, the new ME.

The new me that will SHOP in her closet before she SHOPS in the store.

The new me that will remember those less fortunate and that saving money is just as important as spending money, and spending should be reserved for the things I NEED and not the things I WANT because they're pretty and would look great on me.

As part of my recovery, I'm not going to the mall "just to look around" ALONE. I'm shopping in my closet for every occassion rather than thinking "Oh, I need to get a new dress or pants for that party." Sometimes, I do need an item to make an outfit that I don't already have. In those cases, money IS an object. I spend less than I could for that item. Because I enjoy the act of shopping...looking for that perfect item, I can do it and not make a purchase. Thus, if I have to spend eight hours looking for the perfect belt to go with the costume for the 80's party, I'll do it....and if I spend $5 instead of $15 for it, I'm still recovering and my shopping trip was a success.
I'm officially on the road of "recovery." I'm still traveling on it, and as long as I'm on this Earth I may never be off the road of "recovery," (after all...I'm a woman...I love to shop) but I know that I will never again be a "Shopaholic." As Becky learned, so have I!

*Photo by Scarlett Lillian.
*Dress by The Limited
* Shoes by Steve Madden

Monday, February 9, 2009

I Totally Love The 80's

I LOVE the 80's! The movies, the music...the clothes...the fashion!

I'm not sure what it is about this decade, but part of me will always remain within it...watching and re-watching all of the John Hughes flicks that are "classics" today and all of the other flicks from that decade like "Flashdance," "Dirty Dancing," "Risky Business," and I think you can name a few of your favorites...

To me, these movies represent a time when our views, our ecomony, our worlds...were moving up. Most of my memories from my life in the 80's are from the age of 1 until 10, I don't remember much before the age of 5, but what I do remember of the 80's is me and my family...happy. My parents, aunts, uncles and cousins were focusing on building careers and wealth. They were, in a sense, where I am right now. When I pop in one of my 80's flicks, I take myself back in time....wishing I was back in the 80's, but at a different age...like 22....I'm TOTALLY a freak, right?

To me, the music of the 80's is a daily-fed addiction. From the music in the car to the music I play at the office, to the music I've made all of my recent house guests listen to whenever they are over...the hits of the 80's. Mostly, though, the pop and classic rock from the 80's. Some of my favorite bands include The Police, Simple Minds, Pat Benetar, The Cure...and countless others. When I pop in one of these bands' albums, my attitude changes. I'm able to shut the rest of the world out and go back in time...to that "happy" time. I don't think about anyone, not even myself. I'm transformed and all I want to do is sing and dance. Again, I'm TOTALLY a freak, right?

From "Message in A Bottle" by The Police

I'll send an SOS to the world, I'll send an SOS to the world, I hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle

From "The Breakfast Club"

Brian Johnson: Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...

Andrew Clark: ...and an athlete...

Allison Reynolds: ...and a basket case...

Claire Standish: ...a princess...

John Bender: ...and a criminal...

Brian Johnson: Does that answer your question?... Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.

What movies, music, decade transforms you?

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Movie, New Soundtrack

Those of you who know me know that I LOVE music, especially movie soundtracks. You also know that I LOVE movies!

This Friday, February 6, 2009, a new movie opens. It is entitled "He's Just Not That Into You" This movie has an all-star cast and an awesome soundtrack which I just purchased here: www.amazon.com.

Check out the movie details here: http://www.hesjustnotthatintoyoumovie.com/

I read the book when it first came out and I LOVED how it summed up the different types of people you meet, and the types of relationships they may offer you. The book was written by the authors of "Sex and the City" and offers the same advice you may find in the show about relationships.

Onto the fun part of this entry....the movie is full of EYE CANDY! Including, but not limited to, Ben Affleck and Kevin Connolly (my personal fave, and from Entourage, hehe).

I've gathered a group of my closest girlfriends for the premiere...and I hope you'll do the same!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jacksonville Beach, FL
January 1, 2009

I dedicate this blog entry to a wonderful friend of mine.

In the last 10 days, I've had a few unforgetable moments. One of them was at The Eagles concert, while they sang the song posted below.

There are a few people you meet in life who show you that not only are they there for you, but you can be there for them. It is in knowing, among other things, that I've been there for a few people, who've been there for me also, that continues to show me my life has purpose.

Kitteh, I dedicate this song to you. You know who you are!

Nobody on the road

Nobody on the beach

I feel it in the air

The summer's out of reach

Empty lake, empty streets

The sun goes down alone

I'm drivin' by your house

Though I know you're not home

I can see you, your brown skin shinin' in the sun

You got your hair combed back

And your sunglasses on, baby

I can tell you my love for you will still be strong

after the boys of summer have gone

I never will forget those nights, I wonder if it was a dream

Remember how you made me crazy?

Remember how I made you scream?

Now I don't understand what's happened to our love

But baby, I'm gonna get you back

I'm gonna show you what I'm made of

I can see you, your brown skin shinin' in the sun

I see you walkin' real slow and you're smilin' at everyone

I can tell you my love for you will still be strong

After the boys of summer have gone

Out on the road today, I saw a deadhead sticker on a cadillac

A little voice inside my head said "don't look back, you can never look back"

I thought I knew what love was, what did I know?

Those days are gone forever, I should just let them go but

I can see you, your brown skin shinin' in the sun

You got that top pulled down and that radio on baby

And I can tell you my love for you will still be strong

After the boys of summer have gone

Don Henley, "Boys of Summer"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Face of a Family

My Grandma, my aunts - Jan, Mary and Angie - and my cousin, Jackie.
January 2008
My mom, her twin sister Jan and me.
August, 2008

In the last couple of years, family has become increasingly important to me. I have come realize that of all the people you can count on in this world, your family is number one. They are always there for you, no matter what, and they will always love you, no matter what.

Every January for the last four or so years, my Grandma's four daughters and their families gather together in Jacksonville for my Grandma's birthday. This year is no exception, and I'm so happy that my aunts are here, and my cousin Jackie. We always have a great time together..shopping and eating...and hanging out.

I have also come to realize that considering someone "family" does not mean they are related by blood or marriage, but rather any person you can count on as though they were your family by blood or marriage makes them family. I have a few friends that I consider "family" who are not related to me by blood or marriage. They love me because of me, and not because they have to or because their title of "family" may warrant it, but because of ME! I love them the same way, and we count on each other.

Today, and everyday, I hope that you will reflect on the people in your life whom you consider "family" and let them know how blessed you are to have them in your life.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Eagles - January 28, 2009

On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim,
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway, I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself - this could be Heaven or this could be Hell
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say…

Welcome to the Hotel California
such a lovely place, such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California, any time of year, you can find it here

Her mind is Tiffany twisted, she's got the Mercedes Benz
She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys that she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain, please bring me my wine
He said we haven't had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from far away, wake you up
in the middle of the night just to hear them say

Welcome to the Hotel California
such a lovely Place, such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California - what a nice surprise, bring your alibis

Mirrors on the ceiling, Pink champagne on ice
And she said we are all just prisoners here of our own device
And in the master's chambers, they gathered for the feast.
They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast

Last thing I remember, I was running for the door- I had to find the passage back to the place I was before. Relax, said the night man - We are programmed to receive - you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Today, my Grandma is 93 years old! She is one of the most amazing and inspirational women I know. She worked in a plant and fruit shop for many years in Orlando, Florida. She also raised four wonderful daughters...one of them is my mom. She has shown me that you can achieve anything you set your heart to and that family is important. I always admired my grandma and as a kid, we spent weekends in Orlando with her and my Papa, going to Disney World and playing in their backyard and their neighborhood. She used to have big orange trees in her backyard!

A few years ago, my Grandma moved from Orlando up to Jacksonville. She lives in a retirement community near my condo. Unfortunately, I do not see her as often as I'd like.

This week, all four of her daughters and their children and grandchildren will gather together to celebrate her birthday. We'll be doing our traditional eating, shopping, talking and entertaining. This is a week I look forward to every year!

I hope that everyone reading this will think of their grandparents, wherever they may be, and remember them and all that they have survived in their lifetime.

Happy Birthday Mary Christine ("Chris")!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Rachel's Reservoir: Volume 1, Entry 3

"There's a miracle of friendship that dwells within the heart and you don't know how it happens or where it gets its start, but the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift and you realize that friendship is God's most perfect gift." Anonymous

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rachel's Reservoir: Volume 1, Entry 2

Key West, FL
September 30, 2008

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen
or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller

Rachel's Reservoir: Volume 1, Entry 1

I've finally made it to Blogger, with an entry that is! I've been following several Blogs for the past year or so, and got as far as creating a profile for myself on Blogger. Now, it's time I start writing...er, posting.

I probably won't keep this as up-to-date as my photographer friends do (eh hum, Scarlett Lillian and Elizabeth Bowdren) or even a fabulous writer I know (that's you, Rene Williams
) but I intend on writing whenever I feel the need to express myself...to the world, to other Bloggers...or anyone who reads this.

I was really struggling to find a title for my Blog. I wanted something with my name in it, and something that stated what this is....a place for me to write. I thought about "Rachel's Rap" but that sounded too cliche. I thought about "Rachel's Rants and Raves," but that implies that I'm here to write about all that bugs me...or makes me say "I love life" and that's not what this blog is all about. So, I pulled out my trusted thesaurus to find synonyms for "words" or just a word that started with an "R" that would somehow imply writing. I happened upon the word "reservoir." Although that implies a body of water, or container to hold water, I thought it was fitting. Since, I do love water - I love to swim, I love to drink water, I love to watch the water in the lake by my house, I love to watch the ocean...I always have. Heck, even my cat loves water. He was crying all morning, begging me to let him into the shower for a drink. So, "Rachel's Reservoir" it was.

To top it off, I found a really cool quote that was EXACTLY what I was looking for to go with my new title.

Here it is...
"In order to create, we draw from our inner well. This inner well, an artistic reservoir, is ideally like a well stocked fish pond... If we don’t give some attention to upkeep, our well is apt to become depleted, stagnant, or blocked... As artists, we must learn to be self nourishing. We must become alert enough to consciously replenish our creative resources as we draw on them — to restock the trout pond, so to speak. " Julia Cameron

I will be drawing my my "inner well" to share with you, as often as I can. Sometimes, I will even draw from wells of other writers or even books, like The Bible. In addition, as those who know me well could have guessed....I'll be quoting songs throughout the Blog too.
